Removing the cement curtain. A cement curtain is a heavy sediment that remains after placing the tiles and sealing them with cement mortar. It is a very thin layer of mortar that remains on the tiles. A cementcurtain can ruin newly placed tiles and getting rid of them can be difficult. For removing the cement […]
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A product for removing dried concrete. As much as we like to use concrete, we don’t want our trucks, tools, and other equipment to get dirty with it. Unwanted concrete coating adds weight to the equipment and reduces the time of its usage. It makes it dirty and looks unpleasant. So, find out about an […]
Cleaning paving stones from oil. Discover the way for effective cleaning of paving stones from oil. A weekend spent with family and friends, aromatic and tasty grilled dishes usually leave beautiful memories. Unfortunately, grilling in the garden can also leave greasy stains of oil on the cobblestones. Greasy stains from grilled food or engine oil […]
Tips for preventing surface voids in concrete. Several problems can arise during the process of concretelaying When using concrete, we expect the surface to be perfectly smooth, with no surface voids.Unfortunately, this problem is one of the main problems in the sector of prefabricated concrete. Holes and air bubbles, defined as voids, are small holes […]
How to get rid of discoloration on a concrete surface? Especially in the hot season, the phenolic resincoating is exposed to intense sunlight, which can leave a brown colour on the concrete surface. Thisundesirable problem can be minimized or even prevented.Have you seen the discoloration? This brown — sometimes curved — discoloration that appears on […]
When to remove concrete formwork? Cleaning formwork with the innovative Betoff fluids saves you time and money. However, beforecleaning the formwork, it must be removed. Molds should not be removed until the concrete hashardened enough to be able to support any loads that can be exposed.The support period (the period that has to elapse from […]
Concrete cleaning is not an easy task, but with Betoff and Betoff-Bio liquids you will surely manage tomake it easy. Clean safely and effectively all concrete surfaces, start with the least toxic cleaner BETOFF orBetoff-Bio and increase the amount of the product on the dirty surface as needed. Here’s how to cleanconcrete surfaces using Betoff […]
The history of concrete is very interesting. It shows the perseverance of a person in pursuing a goal andteaches humility. Thanks to its use in strong, modern constructions, concrete cannot be considered aminor building material. This substance has a rich past. The fact that in the days of ancient Rome, nocement trucks were in circulation […]
Oil stains on paving stones, how to get rid of them? Engine oil on the driveway or oil after successfulgrilling on cobblestones looks very unsightly, and their removal is not an easy task. A fresh stain treatedwith detergent and a strong stream of water may disappear without leaving discolouration on the concrete.However, the resistant and […]
Are you wondering how to remove an oil stain? Just a few drops of engine oil on a concrete surface cancause a rather large, unsightly stain. Oil stains, especially older ones, are extremely difficult, and theirremoval involves the risk of discolouration of the treated surface. How to remove resistant oil stains?Which methods are the most […]