BETOFF-B concrete cleaner

BETOFF-B concrete cleaner is the best product on the market. Why? Because it was created based on cosmetic raw materials, not corrosive acids. How to properly clean a concrete garage floor?

What kind of concrete cleaner should I pick? Is it BETOFF-B or BETOFF-U?

Everywhere in the world, concrete is used to build things. The words solid and unchangeable are where the word concrete comes from. People use phrases like “concrete jungle” to talk about big towns, where Portland concrete is very common.

But the concrete jungle has a lot of dirt and marks of all different types. If you look closely at the writing, you can see that the concrete is dirty, stained, and cracked. It turns out that concrete doesn’t last as long as it might seem.

A lot of dirt and stains can stick to concrete, so it needs regular care.

It’s no secret that concrete floors, like the ones in most garages and workspaces, are easy to stain. You can’t keep your car, lawn mower, tools, chemicals, paints, and other things from getting dirty on a flat area made of concrete.

BETOFF-B concrete cleaner. How do I clean my concrete floors and get rid of stains?

Your question is valid, and the answer will rest on what you plan to do with your clean concrete floor. What you use will depend on whether you are going to paint it or cover it with epoxy. If you just want to put a covering rubber plate on it, you will need something else. And if you just want to get rid of spots like oil, grease, rust, and others, you can use one of two new concrete stain removers, like Betolix or Betolix-Bio.

However, before you use Betolix or Betolix-Bio to get rid of oil, grease, rust, and fat spots on concrete, you should learn some basics, like what concrete is and how to clean it.

BETOFF-B concrete cleaner. Cleaner for concrete. Just what is concrete?

Concrete is made from a mix of things like:

  • Sand
  • The total
  • Cement from Portland
  • It chemically responds (“hydrates”) with water to make the hard rock we all know.
  • You may be wondering why you should care.

BETOFF-B concrete cleaner. This is something you should read because it will help you figure out how to clean concrete.

As an example, muriatic acid is sometimes used to clean brick and concrete. But Portland cement, which holds concrete together, breaks down in acid. It is not a good idea to break down the glue that keeps the sand and aggregate together. Hydrochloric, muriatic, phosphoric, and other dangerous acids are found in most cheap concrete cleaners. The Betolix line of fluids is the only one that has carefully changed substances that are safer and stronger than hydrochloric acid.

Efflorescence is another problem people have when they try to clean concrete surfaces. It forms when concrete hydrates and makes calcium hydroxide as a result (concrete is an alkaline material). The calcium hydroxide then mixes with carbon dioxide in the air to make calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate is a white, dusty substance that is often found on the surface of concrete.

BETOFF-B concrete cleaner. Calcium carbonate builds up. How do I get rid of them?

It’s possible for the deposit to get so big that it needs to be taken off. This is when Betolix-BIO or Betolix-U juice will come in handy. Calcium carbonate can settle on cars that are parked close to a building site. Then, people whose cars are stained with cement try to clean them no matter what. In this case, it is very risky to use acids-containing solutions because they can cause the car to rust. It is the only liquid that won’t damage your paint and will get rid of dried limescale on your car.

Some people might picture hard, thick concrete, but it’s not. It’s porous when water is added to the cement, sand, and gravel mix after it has dried. Stains like rust and oil can get deep into the pavement because of this. To get rid of stains, you need something that can get into the concrete and pull the stains to the top.

The top of concrete “peels” when it freezes and thaws because it is porous. De-icing salts should never be put on concrete. It makes the concrete freeze and thaw more often because the salt gets into the top layer.

To clean and get rid of spots from concrete without doing more damage, you need to know how to do it right and be careful.

Now let’s talk about how to clean concrete!

Cleaner for concrete. How to Clean a Concrete Garage Floor by Hand?

Cleaning the whole house is a good place to start. Dirt and other things get stuck on concrete floors. On them, things like grass clippings, dead bugs, efflorescence, and other things can build up. To keep concrete floors clean, you should sweep them often.

Ground that has grease on it can hold water. This trapped water will soak up stains from natural materials and the white described earlier.

Efflorescence with dust.

One of the easier ways to keep your concrete floor in great shape is to sweep it often. It is easy, especially if you use a good wide broom that you can get at a hardware shop.

The floors in your garage can get dirty and greasy over time. After that, you’ll have to do more than just sweep.

BETOFF-B concrete cleaner. You can clean your floor with BETOFF-B or its more flexible form, BETOFF-U.

How to clean concrete with Betolix products:

  • You can pick from sidewalk cleaners. Either BETOFF-B or BETOFF-U
  • If you need to, mix the cleaner with water.
  • Clean the floor with the cleaner.
  • Scrub
  • Wait between one and three minutes.
  • Scrub it again (sometimes you don’t need to).
  • Use water to rinse well.

Our website,, sells cleaning products for concrete like BETOFF-B and BETOFF-U, which can be used for all kinds of cleaning jobs.

If you are cleaning up fresh stains, mix the cleaning agent Betolix-B with water in a 1:1 ratio. For some stains, you need to use the concentrate straight on the floor. You can mix ½ cup of the cleaning agent Betolix-B with 1 liter of water to get rid of stains that are average in size and have been there for a few months. You can change the amounts and types of ingredients in the mixture based on how well you need to clean the concrete and how good it is. If the floors are really dirty, you will probably need to use a concentrate.

NOTE!!! Test the cleaner on a small area of concrete before using it on a big area.

Once you’ve chosen and mixed a concrete cleaner, you can use it on the floor. There should always be water on the floor. The cleaner may leave a film behind if it dries. It will be hard to get rid of the spot anyway. When the Betolix liquid is done working, use a lot of water, best under pressure, to wash off the dirt and the liquid.

Scrub the area with the cleaner, then let it dry for five to fifteen minutes. Wait ten minutes if you are using a cleaner for the house. If you are using a store-bought cleaner like Betolix-B, make sure you follow the directions that came with it.

It’s easy to clean a garage or driveway concrete floor, but there are a few things you should keep in mind. So don’t forget these rules!

Betolix should never dry on top of the spot. If you let the mark dry with the liquid, it will be harder to get rid of. Water is always the best way to get rid of a mark or blood. Separate the floor into parts. As was already said, the cleaner shouldn’t dry out, and there shouldn’t be much time between it and the floor for safety reasons. So clean the surface slowly and in parts. Clean the surface in steps instead of all at once.

To protect the area around you, use a lot of water. If you don’t, everything will soak up the water. Keep walls, outdoor furniture, and other things from getting wet with liquids and water that will mix.

Pick the right tool to scrub the surface. There are brushes that are made just for this job. If you use the right brush, your floor will be cleaner and look better.

Cleaner for concrete. Watch out for cleaners for concrete that have acids and trisodium phosphate in them!

Trisodium phosphate (TSP) is a general cleaner that we need to talk about. It was a tried-and-true choice for concrete and stonework. It’s still used by some because it’s cheap and works well. For the same reason, it won’t damage concrete like an acid-based cleaner would.

But this cleaner is bad for you!

Trisodium Phosphate is very acidic and can irritate or burn the skin or make it very hard to breathe. Phosphate itself is not good for the environment. It is no longer the first choice for regular cleaning because of these reasons.

Cleaner for concrete. Can a Floor Buffer be used to clean a concrete garage floor?

With a floor cleaner that has a special scrubbing pad made just for cleaning concrete, you can clean your garage floor. These power-driven buffers will scrub the floor instead of using a brush and your hands. You can rent buffers, and the places that do so often sell washing pads as well.

Remember to clean the floor one piece at a time. The cleaner still needs to be kept from drying out.

Cleaner for concrete. How to Use a Pressure Washer to Clean a Concrete Garage Floor?

When cleaning concrete, a pressure washer can help you get it cleaner faster and better. This is different from an electric washer, which uses hot water.

Equipment used to clean concrete floors should have a flow rate of at least 12 liters per minute and a pressure level of at least 3,000 psi. Both of these are needed to clean concrete floors at a good rate.

Cleaner for concrete. How to clean a stained concrete garage floor

The floor is clean now, but stains and rust can come back quickly, which is your worst fear. If you clean your concrete floor in a general way, you might be able to get rid of rust and oil.

Based on how the floor is used, stains like oil and rust might not be a big deal. You don’t have to worry about the stains if there is a rubber tile covering them. If you use a bare concrete block, on the other hand, the stains might stand out and need to be cleaned up to keep the floor looking good.

Cleaner for concrete. How to Get Grease and Oil Stains Out of a Concrete Garage Floor?

Getting oil and grease off of concrete can be done in several ways, such as:

  • Poultices
  • Cleaners and degreasers
  • Cells and microbes

Poultices and cleaner for concrete

Poultices are sticky things that are put on concrete to help the color dry. This means that the marks can’t spread because they don’t hold much or any liquid. The bandage is also simple to use. At, you can buy a poultice that is ready to use.

The majority of poultices you can buy are simple to use. Put the poultice on the stain, wait for it to dry, and then wipe off the poultice and any stain that is still there. Done!

There are some easy recipes for making these poultices online, but they need a lot of

of liquid (which can make the mark spread) and a small problem can get a lot worse. There is a chance that making your poultice will make it harder to get the color off of the concrete than it will help. For a few zlotys, you can get a poultice that works great to get oil and grease off of pavement.

Cleaner for concrete. Disk cleaners

Products like BETOFF-B and BETOFF-U are another choice.

This kind of spot remover works really well and quickly. If you need to, mix Betolix with water to make it the right amount. Put it on the spot, scrub it, let it soak in, scrub it again, and then rinse it off with water. Some people like to rinse with a high-pressure washer. This then gives the cleaning process a little extra power. One thing you can do with the Betolix product is to use it for other things in the workshop or at home.

Cleaner for concrete. Cells and microbes

Bugs and other bacteria can sometimes be used to get rid of stains. You can buy these things, and some people say they work pretty well. We’ve found that this group of items works best on new oil stains.

You just sprinkle them on the spot and leave them there. From the point of view of a person, they look good. But there is one bad thing about them: they are very expensive. Also, keep in mind that how well it works will depend on the quality of the concrete and how bad the damage is. This kind of item doesn’t always work at all.

Cleaner for concrete. How to clean a garage floor that has rust spots off of it?

For those of you who have tried to get rust off of pavement, many bad words have been said under your breath. The problem is that acid is good for breaking down rust, but it can damage hardened Portland cement in a way that can’t be fixed, so it’s not a good idea to use acid.

But there are real answers that can make things better. These are:

It’s for the home.

Products for sale.

Cleaners for concrete. Products for Home

If you like to do things yourself, you can start by making your own home remedies with a weak acid like vinegar or lemon juice. These clean up small spots well. Both have acid in them that breaks down rust. But vinegar and lemon juice aren’t very strong acids, so they usually can’t get rid of rust without hurting the concrete. Most of the time, this depends on the type of concrete and the size of the spot.

Also, keep in mind that acids won’t get oil out of concrete. If there is an oil stain around the rust stain, you should first use one of the above ways to get rid of the oil stain.

The best concrete cleaner on the market

We suggest that you use BETOFF-B on tough spots. You can use vinegar or lemon juice, though, if the spots are new, small, and not too noticeable. Put vinegar or lemon juice on the spot, let it sit for a few minutes, and then scrub it off. Rinse the area and check to finish this step. This step might need to be done more than once.

Try vinegar if the mark is big or hard to get rid of. It’s sold in most grocery stores.

If vinegar or lemon juice don’t work, you can try stronger acids if you’re willing to take a chance. To clean pavement and stone, people often use oxalic, citric, and muriatic acids. But it can be very dangerous to mix and use them.

You will have to mix these acids by hand and try different amounts until you get the right strength. One popular way to do an initial dilution is to mix muriatic acid with water in a 1:10 ratio (always add acid to water, never the other way around!). Also, you MUST be careful to mix these chemicals correctly. Always add acid to water, and watch how long you leave the acid on the concrete, because it can damage it very quickly and badly.

WARNING: Before you use any cleaning method on a large area, test it on a small area first.

BETOFF-B concrete cleaner. Commercial tools that clean concrete

Of course you can get a lot of things on the market that will help you get rust off of concrete. You can also use BETOFF and BETOFF-BIO beverages to do this. You only need to think about how strong you want the drink to be. Most people mix BETOFF with water to make it less strong. There is a ready-to-use drink called BETOFF-BIO that is made from an indigenous plant.

If you use either one, it will get rid of dried concrete, lime efflorescence, oil, fat, grease, and rust spots.

On the site, you can buy BETOFF-B and BETOFF-U beverages.

BETOFF-B concrete cleaner

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