Concrete impregnation and protection against efflorescence.

Concrete impregnation and protection against efflorescence. What causes efferoescence to happen?
Emulgification with BETOFF-IK and prevention of efflorescence. Effluorescence happens when water finds its way to the top of concrete through its capillaries, carrying the calcium hydroxide (lime) that is generated during the hydration reaction of Portland cement. Water and insoluble calcium carbonate are the byproducts of its reaction with ambient carbon dioxide.

It may take a lot of time, energy, and resources to clean and eliminate white, powdery filth. From an external perspective, it also creates a dilemma.

Concrete impregnation and protection against efflorescence. What are the ways to prevent efflorescence?

You can also take precautions by understanding how efflorescence works. Removal and cleaning only alleviate the symptoms; they do little to address the root cause. Unless we take action to modify the environmental variables that cause efflorescence, it will keep happening.

The addition of hydrophobic admixtures to the concrete mixture allows for the total and permanent prevention of water entry into the structure: Because the reaction occurs within the concrete matrix, the hydrophobic component becomes an inseparable part of the concrete mass and cannot be reused or removed for future use. If the concrete does not have a hydrophobic component, the owner of these paving stones will need to use a sealant called BETOFF-IK.

An Analysis of BETOFF-IK Impregnate’s Work and Performance

Under the conditions necessary for efflorescence to occur, two samples are analyzed. An untreated one and a BETOFF-IK-impregnated one. In contrast to the untreated sample, which displays the usual white efflorescence salts, the impregnator-treated sample maintains its look.

What liquid to use to clean concrete?

The best liquid from the range of products for cleaning concrete is definitely BETOFF-B. Just apply it to the dirty concrete, wait about 10 minutes, and then wash the dirt off with water. If the dirt is quite stubborn, you can work the liquid into it in a circular motion using a soft-bristled brush.

concrete impregnation and protection against efflorescence

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