Author Archives: admin

Concrete removers

Concrete removers. Both BETOFF and BETOFF-BIO, which are concrete removers, mainly aim to assist. You likely already know this, but cleaning supplies sold at hardware stores aren’t very effective. Bridges, skyscrapers, fountains, and other fascinating man-made buildings that adorn our planet are all made of concrete, a rather unique substance. Concrete stains, on the other […]

Impregnation of paving stones with BETOFF-IK impregnation

Impregnation of paving stones with BETOFF-IK impregnation. Patio sealer, also called BETOFF-IK concrete pavement sealer, is a great way to preserve the beauty of stone patios, paving slabs, and paving stones that you may have just replaced or restored. Here, we’ll show you how to impregnate patio or paving stones in a straightforward manner. In […]

Concrete impregnation is simple and fast

Concrete impregnation is simple and fast. Our focus today will be on the quick and easy process of concrete impregnation. This concise guide is designed to help you discover the ideal impregnation concrete that suits your specific requirements and tastes. Products are available online with ease, there is a great price-performance ratio, and the selection […]

Frequently asked questions about IMPREGNATION of paving stones

For answers to commonly asked questions regarding impregnating paving stones, here they are. Impregnating paving stones is a good choice for anyone concerned with order and beauty. At what intervals should the procedure be repeated? Can you tell me how to impregnate pavers correctly? How much does it all cost? That is the most crucial […]

Applying an anti-slip coating to ceramic tiles

Coating ceramic tiles with an anti-slip material. Picture this scenario. The flooring of the hospital were covered with old ceramic tiles, and there were several elderly patients there. Slickness abounds on the tiles. What sort of mischief were taking place on those tiles? You may probably guess. Where does the hospital stand? Find a covering […]

Concrete impregnation and protection against efflorescence.

Concrete impregnation and protection against efflorescence. What causes efferoescence to happen?Emulgification with BETOFF-IK and prevention of efflorescence. Effluorescence happens when water finds its way to the top of concrete through its capillaries, carrying the calcium hydroxide (lime) that is generated during the hydration reaction of Portland cement. Water and insoluble calcium carbonate are the byproducts […]