20-liter plastic canister with a handle
a solution made specifically to fight concrete residues on masonry tools and other utility surfaces. This version is excellent for cleaning large surfaces soiled from hardened construction masses, deposits, splashes, and dry concrete residues (lime, cement, mortars, fillers, etc.). It prolongs the life of equipment such as trowel, float, discs, grinders, and concrete mixers and makes cleaning easier. Because of its acid-free makeup, it is safe to use. Accessible in more manageable sizes (1 liter vs. 5 liters).
Features of the Product:
BETOFF is the symbol.
20 liters is the unit.
- Removing concrete, plaster, or other binders from massive metal surfaces
- Concrete mixers, grinders, and other professional equipment should be cleaned of concrete.
- Removing splashes of cement
- removing brick debris from scaffolding, formwork, and casting molds
- eliminating lime and gypsum stains