Specialised cleaners from the BETOFF brand have reopened confidence on the part of people in chemical products. As a professional specialist cleaning products company, we highlight a few products that make a difference. We do not want to exaggerate but only to help you choose the exact product to eliminate your problem. Stains are different and so are the liquids that are designed to eliminate these stains.
Our best-selling product is BETOFF liquid (concentrate), which is used to remove cement/concrete stains. Its potency and ability to penetrate concrete have convinced major construction companies to use it. The liquid is already well-known throughout Europe, which we largely attribute to word-of-mouth marketing, i.e. recommendations from people who have used it.

BETOFF brand specialized cleaners! BETOFF-U liquid
Another product we can recommend is BETOFF-U liquid. This innovative cleaner is capable of removing all kinds of stains from various surfaces. It is capable of dissolving water scale, rust, old grease stains and many other stains that disfigure glass, plastic, stone, and steel.
BETOFF-BIO is an agent for removing thin cement stains, usually several days old. Simply apply the product to the cement stain, so-called cement laitance, and wait about 15 minutes. The already dissolved cement can then be washed off with plenty of water.
Specialised cleaners from BETOFF! BETOFF-R liquid
This innovative preparation is not only based on very human- and environmentally-friendly ingredients but is also highly effective. Rust dissolves within literally minutes.
BETOFF-UR liquid
Since we launched this product, we have been experiencing a sales frenzy. BETOFF-UR removes urine stains of both animal and human origin. Quick to act and effective.
If it’s been a while since you’ve cleaned grout with a specialized liquid, then BETOFF-F is definitely for you. It is very effective and quickly draws out any dirt from bathroom and kitchen grouts.
BETOFF-I concrete waterproofing treatment
If you have a patio or a concrete driveway, you should protect it with an impregnating agent. In our online shop you will find two impregnating agents. The first is BETOFF-I impregnate, which is used to protect concrete and precast. The other impregnate is BETOFF-IK, with which you can effectively protect paving stones. Both impregnates are highly effective and do not require a second coat.